Exposures of properties to undesired accidents, environmental hazards, chemicals, noise, vapors, hazardous materials and biological contaminants can result in serious health problems.

Safety is always our priority and reducing further property loss is of secondary concern to us.


The first task of Expineer’s professional engineers is to enroll the in-house certified industrial hygienists and/or occupational health specialists once they are requested to attend the site with potentially unidentified hazards and possible instability. The health and safety specialists detect the hazards, monitor exposures, evaluate risks, and formulate measures to investigate into factors such as mould, odor, and indoor air quality or safety problems.

In addition to assessment of the risk/cause of the contaminations and hazards, the advisory opinions and technical procedures provided by our industrial hygienist could reduce the risk of further personal injury or property damage to a high extent level.

The certified Industrial Hygienists at Expineer Corp. are focused to investigate incidents, perform the standard field and laboratory examinations and analyses to identify causes of incidents and eventually provide the client with a report including a sequence of events, observations, conclusions, and recommendations to prevent further incidents.

The environmental field and laboratory testing and analyses include:

1) Air sampling and analysis of chemical substances

2) Asbestos consulting service; to develop asbestos management programs, asbestos abatement program and air monitoring services

3) Mould assessment; to provide solutions and recommendation for identification and counting of mould in indoor environment both in the workplace and residential

4) Radon testing; to perform radon testing and taking samples and assistance in getting the problem resolved

Asbestos Insulation
Environmental Assessment of Fire Damaged Premisses


5) Hazardous material building; to maintain and update survey for building to determine if the hazardous materials are present in the workplace by inspecting representation area of the site

6) Heat stress monitoring

7) Noise surveys and control programs, hearing conservation program

8) Ventilation systems assessments and design


9) Magnetic field monitoring

10) Industrial hygiene auditing and survey

11) Specific industrial hygiene program development (respiratory protection programs, hearing conservation programs, confined space entry programs)

12) Ergonomic assessment

Contact Us

330 HWY 7 East, Suite PH 2,

Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P8

  • (647) 629-9847
  • info@Expineercorp.com